Content is King

Why content matters

Google likes to say "content is king" because without the content your website will not rank.

Without words, your site is a lost cause and it's surprising how many people do not realise this.

We have known cases where a client has asked the web design team to go super minimal with words and make their site all about the images, which visually is great, but for search engines, this is not the way you should go.

At the very least a web page should contain at least 300 words.

The written content should be original, not copied or plagiarised from other websites or authors.

Search engines can tell if you have taken your words from another website and will see it as a duplication and can penalise you for this.

You will appear lower down in the search results, so fresh original content is the way to go.

It's important to remember that content is one of many elements of SEO, there are many other aspects that will affect how your web...


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Organic SEO - Keywords